Darwin Project Free To Play
Eador. Masters of the Broken World Gratis
Una volta riscattato resterà nella vostra libreria in modo permanente
Metro Redux Bundle €4,99
Homefront: The Revolution Freedom Fighter Bundle £5.99 €7,00 circa
Homefront: The Revolution €4,99
Homefront: The Revolution – Expansion Pass £3.40 €4,00 circa
Chaos on Deponia €1,79
Goodbye Deponia €1,89
Risen £1.99 €2,30 circa
Risen 2: Dark Waters £1.99 €2,30 circa
Risen 3 – Titan Lords Complete Edition £2.99 €3,50 circa
Tutte le offerte in €uro – Tutte le offerte in £terline
We are the Dwarves €1,09 (15/04)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter £3.75 €4,40 circa (15/04) Versione GoG €3,79
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition €27,49 (15/04) *Star Deal*
Radical Heights Free To Play
Fanatical, Gamesplanet, Sotto i 5€, Steam, Voidu
Ziggurat €2,49 (10/04) *Star Deal*
Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition €3,95 VOIDU3
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition €3,38 VOIDU3
Castlevania: LOS – Mirror of Fate HD €1,62 VOIDU3
Enemy Front €2,02 VOIDU3
Deponia €0,44 (11/04)
Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 €4,99 (11/04)
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 €6,66 (11/04)
Offerte della settimana Steam (16/04)
Saldi TEAM17 su Humble Store (16/04)
Crusader Kings II Gratis
Steamworld Dig 2 Gratis
Kingsway Gratis
Tales From the Borderlands Gratis
Dub Wars
Tokyo 42 Gratis
Ecco i giochi che saranno gratuiti nel mese di Aprile per gli utenti premium delle due console di spicco!
Indie Mega Week Promotion – Hackyzack Gratis
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