DiRT 4 €36,84
Creative Assembly Anniversary
Steam Hardware
SOMA €8,39
Valentino Rossi The Game €7,99
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The Witcher 2 (-85%) €2,99
The Witcher Adventure Game (-75%) €2,49
The Witcher 3 Game of the Year (-50%) €24,99
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Shadow Warrior 2 €18,49
Armello €11,99 (Free Midweek)
Ubisoft Racing
Ember €2,49
Singularity €4,99
Brink Free to Play
Saldi Bethesda
Shadow Warrior Gratis
Una volta riscattato il gioco resterà nella vostra libreria Steam!
Assetto Corsa €11,99
Assetto Corsa + Dream Packs €19,99
Assetto Corsa Porsche Season Pass €6,03
Saldi Rockstar Gaming su Steam
Motorsport Manager €11,89
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Include Arkham Origins con tutti i DLC + Blackgate in versione Deluxe, prezzo minimo storico. Chiavi singole.
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Cities Skylines Weekend
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Inner Demons Pack – Face It + Soul Gambler €0,49
The Last NightMary – A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia €0,49
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Grand Theft Auto V £19.76 €21,80 circa
Saldi Cities Skylines
Conan Exiles €19,99
Total War Attila – Complete Pack €23,99
Football Manager 2017 €11,00
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition €2,49
The Witness €12,58
RiME €23,44
For Honor Free Weekend PC – PS4 – XBOX One
Saints Row IV GOTCE Free Weekend €3,99
For Honor €29,99 (versione Steam/Uplay)
Adult Swim Games
Il download di For Honor è di circa 40GB (versione PC Uplay).
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition €5,37
Batman – The Telltale Series €5,75
Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition €3,99
Just1337 Exclusive Summer Sale Bundle! €1,89
Fanatical, Gamersgate, Sotto i 5€, Steam, Weekend
Serial Cleaner €4,99
Mad Max £3.26 €3,70 circa
The Division Franchise
Tekken 7 Franchise
LEGO Pix & Mix €10,99 (3 giochi)
Hollow Night €9,89
Rebellion Franchise
Team17 Franchise
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