2game, Console, Steam, Weekend
Ghost Recon Wildlands €24,99 (Free Weekend disponibile su PC/PS4/XBOXOne) (16/10)
Ghost Recon Wildlands €29,99
(Versione Steam-Uplay) (16/10)
Day of Infamy €9,99 (Free Weekend disponibile) (16/10)
Day of Infamy €8,99 (Se possedete Insurgency su Steam) (16/10)
Saldi Franchise Deep Silver (16/10)
The Talos Principle €9,99 (14/10)
Grand Theft Auto V £20.00 €20,15 circa usando il coupon giochiscontati
L.A. Noire Complete Edition £7.50 €7,55 circa usando il coupon giochiscontati
Altri Saldi Rockstar (valido sempre il coupon giochiscontati per 10% di sconto ulteriore)
Ghost Recon Wildlands – Deluxe Edition €34,99 (PS4)
Saldi LEGO – Mordor e Deus Ex
Daily, Fanatical, Origin, Steam
Saldi 505 Games su Bundle Stars (13/10)
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition €4,98
Saldi The Sims 4 ed espansioni
Grim Dawn €7,49 (13/10)
Farabel €4,99 (17/10)
Duke Nukem Forever €4,99 (18/10)
Se possedete i due Torchlight su Steam potete aggiungerli gratuitamente alla vostra libreria GOG tramite GOG Connect (scade il 13/10)
The Surge €24,99 (13/10)
Age of Wonders Franchise -75% (13/10)
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator €9,99 (13/10)
Renowned Explorers: International Society €6,59 (12/10)
The Heart of the Earth €0,49 (16/10)
Moero Chronicle €9,99 *Star Deal* (11/10)
Hidden Gems 6 Bundle €2,59 (24/10)
Fanatical, Gamersgate, Humble Store, Sotto i 5€, Steam
Saldi Steam della settimana (16/10)
Saldi Humble Store con protagonisti femminili (13/10)
Still Life £1.10 €1,25 circa (15/10)
Still Life 2 £1.10 €1,25 circa (15/10)
System Shock 2 £1.07 €1,20 circa (12/10)
Little Nightmares £8.63 €9,70 circa (12/10)
Saldi Star Wars su Bundle Stars (11/10)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition €4,80
War for the Overworld Underlord Edition €8,80
Daily, Fanatical, Gamersgate, Steam
GameBillet, Humble Store, Steam, Weekend
Call of Duty Franchise (09/10)
Iceberg Interactive (09/10)
Trine Franchise €7,47 (18/10)
SimAirport €16,49 (07/10)
Saldi Kalypso (09/10)
Saldi Assassin’s Creed (09/10)
Dark Souls II – Scholar of the First Sin €10,09
Dark Souls III €17,90
Dark Souls III – Season Pass €11,25
Saldi Dark Souls WinGameStore (Prezzi migliori per DS2 e il Season Pass del 3)
Gamersgate, Midweek, Sotto i 5€, Steam
Dying Light €14,99 Dying Light Enhanced Edition €19,99
Darkest Dungeon €9,19 The Crimson Court DLC €7,99
Fran Bow €4,49 (05/10)
Submerged €1,99 (09/10)
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition €1,49 (09/10)
Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube €1,34 (09/10)
King’s Bounty: The Legend €1,74 (09/10)
Zeus + Poseidon €7,49 (09/10)
Blackwood Crossing €10,39 (09/10)
Tutte le offerte della settimana “lunga” di Steam (09/10)
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation €4,19 *Star Deal* (04/10)
The Best for Less Sale – Humble Store
Cuphead – GMG €14,99 (Solo se vi è arrivato il coupon via mail da GMG)
Alien Breed Trilogy £1.43 €1,60 circa (04/10)
TEAM 17 Midweek (04/10)
NBA Playgrounds €9,99 (01/10)
DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition €0,99 (13/10) (upgrade gratis per chi l’aveva)
Rise of the Tomb Raider + Season Pass €19,99 (01/10)
Salt €4,94 (02/10)
EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic €4,24 (15/10)
Alien Rage – Unlimited €1,99 (02/10)
Enemy Front €2,99 (02/10)
Warner Bros Titles (02/10)
Supergiant Games Anniversary (02/10)
Snake Pass €9,99 (30/09)
Black Desert Online €5,99 (02/10)
Killer Instinct €27,74 (04/10)
LawBreakers €22,49 (04/10) Free Weekend (01/10)
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card €34,66 (02/10)
Saldi Astragon
Very Positive Sale – Humble Store (29/09)
Bandai Namco Weekend – Humble Store (02/10)
Saldi Sonic – Bundle Stars (04/10) Codice Sconto 5% BIRTHDAY5
Assassin’s Creed Franchise
Kalypso saldi dell’anniversario
I am Setsuna €23,99
Out of the Park Baseball 18 €12,57 (28/09)
Battlerite €9,99 (02/10) (Free Week)
Saldi Tomb Raider (03/10)
Dishonored 2 £12.99 €14,90 circa (01/10)
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition €4,49 (01/10)
Her Story €1,19 (25/09)
Chainsaw Warrior €0,99 (30/09)
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes €4,49 (24/09)
Overwatch €24,99 (Blizzard Bnet)
The Typing of The Dead: Thou Filthy Love Collection €4,29
Humble Store ENCORE – Tornano tutti i saldi di fine estate (25/09)
Fanatical, Sotto i 5€, Steam, Weekend
Saldi Paradox (25/09)
Starkdock Titles (25/09)
Good Shepherd Title (24/09) (alcuni titoli scontati al 90%)
Depth €4,99 (25/09) Disponibile in Free Weekend
Golf It! €5,39 (23/09)
A Normal Lost Phone €1,49 (28/09)(Review)
Jalopy €7,49 (27/09)
Youtubers Life €14,99 (28/09)
Wolfenstein Pack €8,99 (22/09)
Birthday Sale su Bundle Stars (Codice Sconto 5% BIRTHDAY5)
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