Daily, Fanatical Bundle, Sotto i 5€, Steam
Horror Heroes 2 Bundle €1,59
Hard As Nails Heroes Bundle €1,59
Heroes Pick & Mix Bundle da €2,19
Best of Indie Legends Bundle €3,79
Spelunky €2,24
Sheltered €3,24
State of Decay: YOSE €6,99
Psychonauts €1,99
Day of the Tentacle Remastered €4,49
Brutal Legend €2,24
Grim Fandango Remastered €3,74
Super Dungeon Tactics €9,99
Wolfenstain Franchise
Call of Duty Franchise
Devolver Digital Publisher
Salt and Sanctuary €10,79
Divinity: Original Sin EE €19,99
Soft Body €5,99
Trine Franchise €7,47
The Wolf Among Us €5,74
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found €1,49
Guild of Dungeoneering €5,99
Guild of Dungeoneering è giocabile in free weekend fino a domenica alle 22.
Command & Conquer Franchise €9,35
Il prezzo del pacchetto cala se possedete già altri titoli, ovviamente potete acquistarli anche singolarmente.
Offworld Trading Company €10,00
Worms W.M.D €14,99
Farming Simulator 17 €26,24
Mordheim: City of the Damned €9,99
Age of Wonders III €7,49
Battlefleet €15,99
Darksiders Warmastered €3,99
Darksiders II Deathinitive Ed. €5,99
Sniper Elite Franchise
The Culling €15,40
Ghost Recon Wildlands €47,99
Duck Game €6,49
The Culling e Duck Game sono giocabili in Free Weekend.
Arkham Franchise
The Long Dark €9,99
Silence €14,99
Daily, Midweek, Sotto i 5€, Steam
Subnautica €9,99
Scrap Mechanic €13,39
Starpoint Gemini 2 €4,79
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited €9,90
Warner Bros – Middle-Earth
The Talos Principle €9,99
Conan Exiles €23,99
Battlerite €13,39
How to Survive 2 €4,49
Disponibile per essere giocati gratuitamente fino a Lunedì – TES Online e Battlerite.
Daily, Demo & Beta, Midweek, Steam
Dishonored 2 €29,99
Dark Souls 3 €29,99
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion €10,00
This is the Police €7,49
La demo di Dishonored 2 è disponibile nella pagina dello store di Steam
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