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Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee Gratis
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee Gratis
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee Gratis
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LEGO Mania Midweek (22/09)
Splinter Cell Franchise (21/09)
Big Deal Sale su GoG
Saldi Bethesda su Humble Store (21/09)
Rochard €0,89 (01/10)
Shooting Stars! €0,49 (02/10)
ReThink €4,99 (22/09)
Bandai Namco Weekend (18/09)
Dishonored Franchise (18/09)
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition €4,99 (28/09)
Freedom Force: Freedom Pack €1,62 (19/09)
Atari Vault €2,99 (15/09)
Bioshock Infinite Starter Pack $7.99 €6,80 circa (Infinite con tutti i DLC)
The Division €19,99
Gears of War 4 €25,99 (Windows 10 / XBOX One) (21/09)
Dark Souls III £15.99 €18,00 circa (17/09)
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin £8.99 €10,20 circa (17/09)
Cities: Skylines €6,99 (15/09)
CAPCOM Weekend (17/09)
Humble Store Saldi di fine Estate – Nuovi Publisher in sconto
Square Enix – Rockstar Games – CAPCOM – Deep Silver – Kalypso – Frontier – Codemasters
Psychonauts Gratis
Codice da riscattare su Steam entro il 30 Settembre
Gears of War 4 €8,99 (XBOX One)
The Division Free Weekend
Dishonored Death of the Outsider £11.99
Season Pass di Star Wars Battlefront Gratis
Season Pass di Star Wars Battlefront Gratis (PS4)
Season Pass di Star Wars Battlefront Gratis (X1)
GreenManGaming, Steam, Weekend
Dead by Daylight €9,99 (18/09) Giocabile gratuitamente fino a Domenica
LIMBO €2,49 (15/09)
INSIDE + LIMBO €11,23 (15/09)
Life is Strange – Before the Storm €12,79
Life Is Strange: Before The Storm – Deluxe Edition €18,79
Playerunknow’s Battlegrounds $29.99 €25,00 circa
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition €4,98
Humble Store, Sotto i 5€, Steam
Syberia 3 £9.10 €10,00 circa (17/09)
Thimbleweed Park €13,39 (12/09)
Little Nightmares €9,90
STEINS;GATE €15,99 (18/09)
Machinarium €2,99 (18/09)
Crypt of the NecroDancer €3,74 (18/09)
DayZ €23,79 (14/09)
Humble Store End Summer Sale
Publisher – Ubisoft – Paradox – Devolver
FTL: Faster Than Light €2,49 (21/09)
Fanatical, Humble Store, Sotto i 5€
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force €6,89
ibb & obb €1,99 (11/09)
Gal*Gun: Double Peace €9,24 (23/09)
Submerged €2,54 (21/09)
Shattered Planet €1,64 (21/09)
Defense Grid 2 €3,12 (21/09)
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