GreenManGaming, Sotto i 5€

Warfare Triple Pack

22 Ott , 2018  

Warfare Triple Pack €3,99 (S)

  • Sniper Elite 3
  • This War of Mine
  • Insurgency

GreenManGaming, Humble Store, Steam

Le offerte del giorno

20 Ott , 2018  

Empire TV Tycoon €2,99 (S) (21/10)
Blood Bowl 2 €5,99 (S) (21/10)
Terraria €4,34 (S) (21/10)
Lethal League €5,99 (S) Free Weekend
Hotline Miami €1,15 (S)
Total War: WARHAMMER €12,59 (S) (21/10) (Temporaneamente out of stock)
Humble Bundle Neverwinter Pack Gratis (OD)

Gamesplanet, Humble Store, Steam, Weekend

Offerte del giorno e Steam Weekend

18 Ott , 2018  

Halo Wars Definitive Edition €9,99 (S) (22/10) (Free Weekend)
Franchise di Hitman (S) (22/10)*
FarCry Weekend su Humble Store (U) (22/10)
.hack//G.U. Last Recode €19,99 (S) (20/10)
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock €15,99 (S) (21/10)
The Messenger €12,57 (S)
Eden Rising: Supremacy €8,99 (S) (28/10) Free Weekend

* Se avete acquistato HITMAN con l’Humble Monthly, potete fare l’upgrade a pochi euro su Steam per trasformarlo in versione GOTY

GreenManGaming, Sotto i 5€

Castlevania Triple Pack prezzo minimo storico

18 Ott , 2018  

Castlevania Triple Pack €2,99 (S)

Possibile che vadano presto out of stock!
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Digital Bundle

Midweek, Steam, Voidu

Nuove offerte Steam Midweek ed altri sconti

16 Ott , 2018  

Saldi Codemasters su Steam (S) (19/10)
Saldi Sonic su Steam (S) (19/10)
NBA 2K19 €33,49 (S) (23/10)
Saldi Metal Gear su Voidu (S) BLUEWINTER
Vi segnalo che da oggi acquistando Destiny 2 – I rinnegati (in offerta a €33,99) riceverete anche le due espansioni precedenti. Richiede il gioco base.


Offerte del giorno da Steam

15 Ott , 2018  

The Wardrobe €5,99 (S) (22/10)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider €39,59 (S) (22/10)
Regions Of Ruin €2,99 (S) (22/10)
Child of Light €5,09 (S) (22/10)
Valiant Hearts €5,09 (S) (22/10)
Hard Reset Redux €1,99 (S) (22/10)
Darkness Restricted €0,39 (S) (19/10)
Tutte le offerte della settimana Steam (S) (22/10)

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