Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle €1,00 (17-06)
Contra Anniversary Collection €14,09
Bounty Train $4.99 (17-06)
Cold Fear €1,10
Robinson: The Journey $4.99
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath Gratis
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection €3,00
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition £7.48 €8,40 circa
Come al solito si tratta di chiave da riscattare su Rockstar Social Club.
In offerta anche su Fanatical (per 24 ore) a €8,45 per chi preferisse pagare direttamente in euro.
GreenManGaming, Steam, Weekend
Hunt Showdown €23,99 (17/06) *Free Weekend*
Train Simulator: Chatham Main & Medway Valley Lines Route Add-On €14,99 *Free Weekend*
Dark Souls Franchise (17/06)
Distance €10,49 (15/06)
CHKN €9,74 (25/06)
Overcooked! 2 €12,49 (16/06)
Wreckfest €22,49 (15/06)
Crypt of the NecroDancer €2,99 (17/06)
Vikings – Wolves of Midgard €3,99 (14/06)
South Park The Fractured but Whole Gold Edition €7,04
Trials Rising €11,00
Age of Mythology: Extended Edition €6,62 (17/06)
Pagan Online €16,99 (Prezzo base sceso da €26,99)
Saldi sui City Builder su Humble Store (17/06)
The Division 2 Free Weekend su PC & Console
American Truck Simulator €4,99 (14/06)
Ni No Kuni II €29,99 (14/06)
Commander Keen €0,90 (18/06)
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation €8,24 (13/06)
Kingdoms and Castles €6,99 (13/06)
The Witcher 3 GOTY €14,99 (17/06)
Leaving Lyndow €1,19 (17/06)
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition €11,40 GAMINGTIME
The Slater €4,92
Super House of Dead Ninjas €0,69 (17/06)
Genital Jousting €2,16 (14/06)
High Hell €2,04 (14/06)
Crossing Souls €3,74 (14/06)
Retro Paradise su Humble Store (17/06)
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 3 mesi €16,99 (XBOX Game Pass + Live Gold + PC Game Pass)*
XBOX Game Pass PC €1,00 per 1 mese (invece che €3,99)
Gamersgate, Gamesplanet, Nuove Uscite, Steam, Weekend
Toki €15,29
South Park: The Fractured but Whole £4.99 €5,70 circa (18/06)
South Park: The Fractured but Whole Gold Edition £7.50 €8,50 circa (18/06)
Strange Brigade £10.80 €12,20 circa (10/06) sunshine
Zombie Army Trilogy £5.40 €6,10 circa (10/06) sunshine
Kerbal Space Program €7,99 GAMINGTIME
Saldi Klei Weekend Steam (10/06)
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection €4,79
Consiglio questa versione a chi non possiede nulla tra Borderlands 2 e Pre-Sequel, in caso contrario si può abbassare il prezzo acquistandola su Steam in base ai prodotti che già si possiede
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