Gamesplanet, GreenManGaming, Steam
Saldi Capcom
Giochi da tavolo – TableTop
Dragon Cliff €3,99 (02/03)
Monster Hunter World €18,49
The Outer Worlds €22,49 (Epic Store) OW25 (-25%)
The Council – Complete Season €6,99 (26/02)
Blacksad: Under the Skin €23,99 (27/02)
Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster €4,40
Crypt of the NecroDancer €2,99 (02/03)
Driftland: The Magic Revival €9,99 (02/03)
Escape from Tarkov Standard Ed. €36,37 (Comprese Tasse)
Questo è il prezzo usando come metodo di pagamento la carta di credito. Con Paypal si arriva a pagare un paio d’euro in più. Nella stessa pagina trovate anche le altre versioni più costose, a cui vanno poi aggiunte le tasse.
GreenManGaming, Steam, Weekend
Kingdom Under Fire 2 €17,99 (26/02) *Free Weekend*
Dying Light *Free Weekend*
Hunt Showdown €23,99 (02/03)*
South Park e il bastone della verità €2,99 (24/02)
South Park Scontri Di-Retti €6,00 (24/02)
South Park Scontri Di-Retti Gold Ed. €9,00 (24/02)
South Park Bundle €8,09 (24/02)
Next Day: Survival €1,25 (04/03)
House of the Dying Sun €6,79 (24/02)
Space Pirates And Zombies 2 €4,00 (21/02)
Besiege €3,99 (25/02)
Call of Cthulhu €12,51
The Council €8,28
Alcuni prezzi diventano molto interessanti se avete attivo l’abbonamento Humble Choice
Spintires €1,99 (16/02) *Star Deal*
Metro Redux Bundle €5,99 (19/02) *In regalo Deus EX GOTY*
Youtubers Life €8,49 (17/02)
Black Mirror Bundle $4.99 (19/02)
Saldi SEGA su Fanatical (19/02)
Anche acquistando uno di questi giochi riceverete una copia di Deus Ex GOTY
Death’s Gambit disponibile su PC
Death Squared disponibile su XBOX
DayZ €23,99 *Free Weekend*
Last Year €11,75 *Free Weekend*
Dead Cells – The Bad Seed (DLC) $4.19 €3,85 circa
Devil’s Hunt €11,25 (16/02)
Syberia 3 £1.78 €2,15 circa (16/02)
Catherine Classic €6,79 (15/02)
Animal Crossing €49,99 (Switch)
Disgaea 1 Complete €16,78 (Switch)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider €16,78 (PS4)
Just Cause 4 – Steelbook Edition €16,78 (PS4)
NBA 2K20 – Standard Plus Edition €35,99 (PS4)
The Witcher III – Game Of The Year €19,99 (PS4)
The Division 2 €9,99
Life is Strange Before The Storm €3,13
Resident Evil 0 HD €4,99
Resident Evil HD €4,99
Tekken 7 €9,99
Moon Hunters €1,87
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition €4,99
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