Fanatical, Gamersgate, Gamesplanet
Watch_Dogs 2 €8,99 (16/06)
Dark Souls Franchise (16/06)
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT £27.99 €31,20 circa (17/06)
Furi £3.93 €4,40 circa (17/06)
Life is Strange: Before the Storm €3,39 (22/06)
My Hero One’s Justice £13.99 €15,60 circa (22/06)
Hammerfight diventa Free To Play
Sconto di €10 sull’acquisto di un gioco su Google Stadia
Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition €20,99 (15/06)
CODE VEIN £19.99 €22,30 circa (15/06)
Elite Dungeorous €7,49 (15/06)
Rainbow Six Siege Free Weekend (PS4) (X1)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Free Weekend (Bnet)
2game, Epic Games Store, Midweek, Steam
Killing Floor 2 Free Weekend
Europa Universalis IV €7,99 (12/06)
Florence €3,49 (11/06)
Remnant: From the Ashes €23,99 (11/06)
Cosmic Star Heroine €1,49 (15/06)
RimWorld €19,99 (Epic Store) (11/06) (Col buono da €10)
Disco Elysium €19,99 (Epic Store) (11/06) (Col buono da €10)
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen (DLC) $10.00 €8,90 circa (12/06)
A Plague Tale: Innocence €13,77 (16/06) (-10% giochiscontati)
Battlefield V €9,99
Titanfall 2 – Standard €4,99
Anthem €8,99
BATTLEFIELD 1 – Standard €4,99
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order €29,99
Vi ricordo anche qui (l’ho già fatto su Instagram) che il 13 agosto sarà possibile riscattare (per sole 24 ore) gratuitamente Troy Total War su Epic Store.
Sea of Thieves €19,99 (W10 e XBOX One) (15/06)
ReCore €4,99 (W10 e XBOX One) (15/06)
Sunset Overdrive €4,99 (W10 e XBOX One) (15/06)
Super Lucky’s Tale €4,99 (W10 e XBOX One) (15/06)
Edizione Ultimate di Forza Horizon 4 €49,99 (W10 e XBOX One) (15/06)
Megaquarium €10,49 (18/06)
Cooking Simulator €10,91 (08/06)
Halfway €1,99 (08/06)
911 Operator €1,49 (08/06)
Saldi Playway Publisher (08/06)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition €4,99 (05/06)
Ori and the Will of the Wisps €23,99 (05/06)
Project CARS 2 €9,99 (05/06)
Saldi 11bit studios publisher (05/06)
Ryse: Son of Rome €3,99 (10/06)
Shadows: Awakening €7,99 (04/06)
Blackwake €1,63 (08/06)
House of the Dying Sun €6,79 (08/06)
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