Shadow Tactics: Aiko’s Choice €2,99
Si tratta di un’espansione standalone, non ha bisogno del gioco base
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Darkest Dungeon €3,44 (18/04)
ONE PIECE WORLD SEEKER – Deluxe Edition €10,12
Drug Dealer Simulator €5,03
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions – Deluxe Ed £12.38 €14,95 (-10% giochiscontati)
The Last Campfire €4,04
Telling Lies €3,24
Journey €4,19
Ashen €6,84
Days Gone €16,79
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout €6,79 (Al momento soldout)
The Surge 2 – Premium Edition €9,99 (16/04)
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 £3.38 €4,10 circa (-10% giochiscontati)
2game, GameBillet, Gamesplanet, Steam
ONE PIECE World Seeker £7.20 €9,55 circa (-10% giochiscontati) (10/03)
It Takes Two €15,99 (08/03)
Jurassic World Evolution 2 €26,14 (Scade stasera)
Pyre €4,19 (Scade stasera)
Hidden Through Time €4,79 (Scade stasera)
Saldi Remote Play Together (Scade stasera)
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition €10,50 (09/03)
Deadliest Catch: The Game €1,67 (20/03)
METAL SLUG XX €4,24 (21/03)
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla $21.99 €19,70 circa
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla €19,55
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla €13,99 (fino al 27/02)
Red Dead Redemption 2 €23,98 (Rockstar DRM)
Tekken 7 – Ultimate Edition €11,69 (scade tra poche ore)
Dragon Ball FighterZ €6,79 (scade tra poche ore)
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom €6,79 (scade tra poche ore)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – GOTY €9,99 (06/09)
HellSign €4,99 (30/08)
Saldi 2K
Saldi Capcom
Saldi Paradox
The House of Da Vinci 1 + 2 Pack €11,15 (30/08) (Usando il coupon PAYDAYAUG21 valido solo per poche ore)
GameBillet, GreenManGaming, Humble Store
I Am Alive €2,24 (25/02)
XCOM 2 €2,85 (19/02)
Planet Zoo €17,66 (21/02)
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom – The Prince’s Edition €11,01
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus €5,10
Prison Architect €6,24 (01/02) *Free Weekend*
NFL Madden 21 €29,99 (01/02) *Free Weekend*
Dying Light €6,46 (05/02)
The Sims 4 €4,99 (09/02) (in offerta anche DLC vari)
Outlast 2 €3,74 (01/02) (€2,99 se possedete il primo + DLC)
Code Vein €14,85 (30/01) (scade oggi!)
Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood €1,79
Prototype €4,99 (01/02)
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Gathering Storm $8.49 €7,00 circa (DLC)
Star Wars: Squadrons €19,99 (PS4)
DragonBall Fighter Z €10,22 Xbox One [Edizione: Francia]
Ghost Recon: Wildlands – Deluxe Edition €11,97 (XBOX One)
The Council €4,90 (11/12)
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Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales €9,99 (10/12)
Liberated €8,39 (10/12)
Röki €10,99 (09/12)
A Plague Tale: Innocence €10,28 (11/12)
Passpartout: The Starving Artist €3,99 (07/12)
Code Vein £14,39 €15,95 circa (Termina a mezzanotte!)
Team Sonic Racing €8,79
Overwatch €14,99 (Bnet)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare €39,99 (Bnet)
No Man’s Sky €19,48
Devil May Cry 5 £11.14 €13,10
Resident Evil 2 £11.14 €13,10
Two Point Hospital €8,29
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition €5,00
Planet Coaster €7,59
Yakuza 0 £3.86 €4,60 circa giochiscontati (-10%)
Wreckfest €11,24 circa giochiscontati (-10%)
Gray Dawn €3,78
Dead by Daylight £4.50 €5,30 circa
Near Death €0,98
Code Vein €23,10
EVE Online: Starter Pack Gratis
UberSoldier II Gratis
Daily, Fanatical, GameBillet, Steam, Voidu
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Complete €4,79 *Star Deal* (15/01) (Comprende tutti i 29 DLC)
Civilization V: The Complete Edition €6,78
XCOM 2 €11,84
Bully €2,78 VOIDU3
Grand Theft Auto V €18,78 VOIDU3
Indie Heroes 3 Bundle €1,49 In scadenza poche ore
Humble Staff Picks Bundle da $1.00 (16/01)
Town of Salem €2,29 (15/01)
Magicmaker €2,49 (16/01)
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