
Saldi Disney su Gamesplanet

27 Giu , 2019  

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Saldi Disney DRM % Off UK (£) FR (€) DE (€)
Armed and Dangerous Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
Disney Infinity 1.0: Gold Edition Steam 75% £5.75 6,50€ 6,50€
Disney Infinity 2.0: Gold Edition Steam 75% £5.75 6,50€ 6,50€
Disney Infinity 3.0: Gold Edition Steam 75% £5.75 6,50€ 6,50€
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
LOOM Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge Steam 75% £1.75 2,50€ 2,50€
Split/Second Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
Star Wars: Dark Forces Steam 60% £1.92 2,40€ 2,40€
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
STAR WARS™ Rebellion Steam 60% £1.92 2,40€ 2,40€
STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – Ultimate Sith Edition Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
STAR WARS™ – X-Wing Alliance™ Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
STAR WARS™ X-Wing Series Steam 75% £5.75 6,50€ 6,50€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars Classics Collection Steam 75% £7.50 8,99€ 8,99€
STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga Steam 60% £1.92 2,40€ 2,40€
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Steam 60% £1.92 2,40€ 2,40€
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith Steam 10% £1.79 2,69€ 2,69€
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars Republic Commando Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars Starfighter Steam 60% £1.92 2,40€ 2,40€
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter – Balance of Power Campaigns™ Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
Star Wars Empire at War Gold Pack Steam 75% £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€
STAR WARS™ – X-Wing Special Edition Steam 70% £2.10 2,99€ 2,99€
STAR WARS™ SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE™ Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
The Dig Steam 75% £1.20 1,50€ 1,50€
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Steam 75% £1.75 2,50€ 2,50€
Thrillville®: Off the Rails™ Steam 75% £1.75 2,50€ 2,50€
Tron 2.0 Steam 75% £1.75 2,50€ 2,50€

Saldi Flash

Tropico 4: Collector’s Bundle €3,99 (S) (28/06 alle 10)
The Technomancer €6,50 (S) (28/06 alle 10)
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom €6,99 (S) (01/07)

3 Responses

  1. forza72 ha detto:

    Il più interessante secondo Voi???

    • Giochi Scontati ha detto:

      Premettendo che i giochi Disney sono per lo più tratti da opere cinematografiche o d’animazione, e che quindi può essere molto soggettivo il giudizio, una persona può essere per esempio fan di Star Wars, o della saga dei LEGO oppure di Indiana Jones e preferire questi titoli.
      Di interessante ci sono i primi due Monkey Island in versione speciale che non possono mancare nella libreria Steam di nessuno. Molto bello anche Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, anche se purtroppo su Steam pare essere solo in lingua inglese e questo potrebbe frenare qualcuno, lo stesso vale per LOOM. Di positivo è che la maggior parte hanno uno sconto leggermente più rotondo rispetto a Steam. Spero di aver risposto alla tua domanda 😉

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