
Iniziano i saldi estivi su Gamesplanet – Day 1

6 Ago , 2018  

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Fallout 4 £6.60 €7,50 circa (S)
DOOM £6.16 €7,00 circa (S)

Volevo farvi notare che Fallout 4 non è in flash deal, questo significa che potrebbe anche arrivare a meno nel corso dei saldi (a meno che non sia un errore di prezzo). Mentre per DOOM e tutte le altre offerte scadono alle 10 di martedì.

Saldi Estivi sito UKsito FRsito DE

Tutti i saldi di questo primo giorno


Scadono Martedì alle 10 DRM % Off UK (£) FR (€) DE (€)
A Blind Legend Steam 52% £2.39 2.99€ 2.99€
A Normal Lost Phone Steam 55% £0.89 1.29€ 1.29€
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online Deluxe Edition Steam 63% £14.99 16.99€ 16.99€
Algo Bot Steam 20% £5.75 6.66€ 6.66€
Alien: Isolation Steam 78% £6.66 7.77€ 7.77€
Alien: Isolation – Season Pass Steam 77% £3.49 4.29€ 4.29€
Alien: Isolation – The Collection Steam 77% £7.99 9.49€ 9.49€
Anarcute Steam 63% £4.44 4.99€ 4.99€ Steam 35% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Ancestors Legacy Steam 25% £23.99 26.99€ 26.99€
Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story Steam 40% £1.79 1.79€ 1.79€
Arelite Core Steam 76% £3.59 4.44€ 4.44€
Army General Steam 55% £6.99 8.28€ 8.28€
Ascent Spirit Steam 32% £4.89 5.99€ 5.99€
Assassin’s Creed 2 – Deluxe Edition Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Deluxe Edition Uplay 65% £5.99 6.99€ 6.99€
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Uplay 66% £4.29 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Assassin’s Creed III Uplay 71% £4.99 5.79€ 5.79€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Uplay 65% £5.89 6.66€ 6.66€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Season Pass Uplay 65% £5.89 6.66€ 6.66€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Deluxe Edition Uplay 66% £8.88 9.99€ 9.99€
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Uplay 71% £4.99 5.79€ 5.79€
Assassin’s Creed Origins Uplay 57% £21.49 23.99€ 23.99€
Assassin’s Creed Origins – Season Pass Uplay 56% £14.99 16.99€ 16.99€
Assassin’s Creed Origins Deluxe Edition Uplay 56% £25.99 28.99€ 28.99€
Assassin’s Creed Origins Gold Edition Uplay 56% £32.99 36.99€ 36.99€
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Uplay 66% £4.29 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Deluxe Edition Uplay 66% £8.89 9.99€ 9.99€
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Uplay 65% £5.89 6.66€ 6.66€
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Gold Edition Uplay 66% £19.99 22.99€ 22.99€
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Uplay 66% £11.49 12.99€ 12.99€
Assassin’s Creed Unity Uplay 72% £7.29 8.29€ 8.29€
Assassin’s Creed: Director’s Cut Edition Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.29€
Assault Squad 2: Men of War Origins Steam 76% £3.59 4.44€ 4.44€
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan Steam 52% £5.25 5.99€ 5.99€
BAFL – Brakes Are For Losers Steam 47% £3.79 4.49€ 4.49€
Bayonetta Steam 67% £4.89 5.75€ 5.75€
Bear With Me – Collector’s Edition Steam 37% £4.39 4.99€ 4.99€
Bear With Me – Episode 1-3 Steam 35% £3.89 4.44€ 4.44€
Beholder – Blissful Sleep Steam 57% £1.19 1.59€ 1.59€
Beholder Steam 72% £1.99 2.59€ 2.59€
Black Mirror I Steam 76% £1.69 2.22€ 2.22€
Black Mirror II Steam 76% £1.69 2.22€ 2.22€
Black Mirror III Steam 76% £1.69 2.22€ 2.22€
Black Mirror Steam 33% £16.74 19.99€ 19.99€
Blackguards 2 Steam 81% £2.22 2.49€ 2.49€
Blackguards Franchise Bundle Steam 86% £2.22 2.49€ 2.49€
Blackguards Steam 81% £1.49 1.75€ 1.75€
Boiling Bolt Steam 46% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Bombslinger Steam 33% £5.99 7.29€ 7.29€
Boo! Greedy Kid Steam 28% £2.89 3.33€ 3.33€
Burly Men at Sea Steam 61% £2.79 3.33€ 3.33€
Call of Juarez Steam 77% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Uplay 77% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Steam 45% £5.99 6.99€ 6.99€
Citadale: The Legends Trilogy Steam 31% £4.79 5.79€ 5.79€
Cities: Skylines – After Dark Steam 55% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Cities: Skylines – All That Jazz Steam 20% £2.22 2.69€ 2.69€
Cities: Skylines – Mass Transit Steam 52% £4.79 5.55€ 5.55€
Cities: Skylines – Natural Disasters Steam 55% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Cities: Skylines – Snowfall Steam 52% £4.79 5.55€ 5.55€
Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition Steam 78% £6.66 7.45€ 7.45€
Cities: Skylines Steam 78% £4.99 5.67€ 5.67€
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit Steam 80% £2.15 2.59€ 2.59€
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin Steam 76% £7.19 8.99€ 8.99€
DARK SOULS III – Deluxe Edition Steam 72% £16.99 21.99€ 21.99€
DARK SOULS III Steam 78% £8.99 12.49€ 12.49€
Darksiders Franchise Pack Steam 85% £6.75 7.49€ 7.49€
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Steam 80% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Darksiders Warmastered Edition Steam 80% £3.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Dead In Bermuda Steam 73% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Dig it! – A Digger Simulator Steam 72% £1.99 2.29€ 2.29€
Dino Dini’s Kick Off™ Revival Steam 52% £3.33 4.14€ 4.14€
Domiverse Steam 24% £7.77 8.69€ 8.69€
DOOM VFR Steam 35% £12.99 17.49€ 17.49€
DOOM Steam 59% £6.16 8.88€ 8.88€
DragoDino Steam 44% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Steam 81% £1.33 1.59€ 1.59€
Farming Simulator 17 Giants 61% £7.77 8.99€ 8.99€
Farming Simulator 17 – Platinum Edition Giants 40% £17.99 19.99€ 19.99€
Farming Simulator 17 – Add-On Straw Harvest Download 22% £12.49 13.99€ 13.99€
Fireworks Simulator Steam 63% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
GREED: Black Border Steam 78% £0.88 0.99€ 0.99€
GRID 2 Reloaded Steam 77% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
GRID 2 Steam 79% £4.14 4.99€ 4.99€
GRID Autosport – Season Pass Steam 79% £4.99 5.59€ 5.59€
GRID Autosport Steam 76% £5.99 6.99€ 6.99€
Human: Fall Flat Steam 63% £4.39 4.99€ 4.99€
Hunt: Showdown Steam 20% £20.79 23.99€ 23.99€
Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf HD Remastered Steam 76% £2.69 3.33€ 3.33€
Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Steam 63% £9.99 12.99€ 12.99€
Killing Floor 2 Steam 61% £7.77 8.99€ 8.99€
Killing Floor Steam 77% £3.49 3.99€ 3.99€
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Steam 76% £1.89 2.22€ 2.22€
LEAVES – The Journey Steam 82% £0.99 1.33€ 1.33€
LEAVES – The Return Steam 82% £0.99 1.33€ 1.33€
Lego Batman – The Video Game Steam 76% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Steam 76% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Steam 76% £4.79 6.36€ 6.36€
LEGO CITY Undercover Steam 58% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Steam 78% £2.22 4.29€ 4.29€
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Steam 76% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
LEGO Jurassic World Steam 78% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Steam 58% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Steam 69% £7.76 8.87€ 8.87€
LEGO MARVEL: Super Heroes Steam 76% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Steam 69% £7.76 8.87€ 8.87€
LEGO Worlds Steam 56% £10.99 12.49€ 12.49€
Leisure Suit Larry 7 – Love for Sail Steam 54% £2.22 2.59€ 2.59€
Masters of Anima Steam 41% £9.99 11.49€ 11.49€
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 Steam 35% £7.77 8.88€ 8.88€
Mega Man Legacy Collection Steam 68% £3.89 4.44€ 4.44€
Men Of War – Vietnam Steam 76% £1.35 1.79€ 1.79€
Men of War Steam 78% £0.89 1.15€ 1.15€
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Complete Steam 82% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Men Of War: Assault Squad 2 Steam 81% £3.79 4.44€ 4.44€
Metro 2033 Redux Steam 67% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Metro Redux Bundle Steam 69% £7.77 8.88€ 8.88€
Metro: Last Light Redux Steam 67% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge Steam 76% £1.69 2.29€ 2.29€
OMSI 2 Steam 36% £15.99 19.99€ 17.99€
PAC-MAN 256 Steam 53% £1.89 2.22€ 2.22€
PAC-MAN Championship Edition 2 Steam 76% £2.39 2.99€ 2.99€
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX Steam 76% £1.89 2.22€ 2.22€
Painkiller Complete Pack Steam 83% £9.99 11.49€ 11.49€
Painkiller: Black Edition Steam 78% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Pix the Cat Steam 76% £1.69 2.29€ 2.29€
Portal Knights Steam 41% £8.78 9.99€ 9.99€
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 Steam 76% £5.89 6.66€ 6.66€
Quake II Steam 76% £0.95 1.19€ 1.19€
Quake IV Steam 55% £5.89 6.66€ 6.66€
Rayman 3 Uplay 69% £1.33 1.50€ 1.50€
Rayman Legends Uplay 69% £5.29 5.99€ 5.99€
Rayman Origins Uplay 70% £2.59 2.99€ 2.99€
Rayman Raving Rabbids Uplay 69% £1.33 1.50€ 1.50€
Resident Evil 0 / biohazard 0 HD REMASTER Steam 67% £5.25 5.99€ 5.99€
Resident Evil 4: The Ultimate HD Edition Steam 78% £3.33 3.99€ 3.99€
Resident Evil 5 Steam 76% £3.33 3.99€ 3.99€
Resident Evil 6 Steam 76% £4.79 5.99€ 5.99€
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Steam 38% £12.49 14.99€ 14.99€
RESIDENT EVIL 7 / Biohazard 7 – Season Pass Steam 48% £12.99 14.99€ 14.99€
Resident Evil HD Remaster Steam 67% £5.25 5.99€ 5.99€
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition Steam 58% £9.99 11.49€ 11.49€
Resident Evil: Revelations Steam 81% £4.49 5.35€ 5.35€
RIOT – Civil Unrest Steam 40% £5.99 6.89€ 6.89€
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom Steam 73% £6.66 7.77€ 7.77€
Starpoint Gemini 2 Steam 82% £4.79 5.79€ 5.79€
SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal Bullet Steam 45% £21.99 24.99€ 24.99€
SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal Bullet – Deluxe Edition Steam 35% £38.99 44.99€ 44.99€
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization – Deluxe Edition Steam 53% £18.99 21.99€ 21.99€
The Lego Movie Videogame Steam 76% £3.59 4.29€ 4.29€
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame Steam 54% £11.49 12.99€ 12.99€
The Long Journey Home Steam 62% £9.99 11.49€ 11.49€
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Steam 76% £1.69 2.29€ 2.29€
Trackmania Turbo Uplay 74% £8.89 9.99€ 9.99€
TrackMania² Canyon Steam 74% £4.44 4.99€ 4.99€
TrackMania² Lagoon Uplay 74% £4.44 4.99€ 4.99€
TrackMania² Stadium Steam 73% £2.29 2.59€ 2.59€
TrackMania² Valley Steam 74% £4.44 4.99€ 4.99€
TRON RUN/r Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
TRON RUN/r: Deluxe Edition Steam 76% £5.55 6.36€ 6.36€
TRON RUN/r: Ultimate Edition Steam 77% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
TRON: Evolution Steam 76% £3.59 4.59€ 4.59€
Tropico 3 – Steam Special Edition Steam 78% £1.79 2.22€ 2.22€
Tropico 4 – Steam Special Edition Steam 82% £2.22 2.59€ 2.59€
Tropico 5 Steam 75% £3.69 4.44€ 4.44€
Tropico 5: Complete Collection Steam 75% £6.66 7.77€ 7.77€
Tropico Reloaded Steam 78% £1.29 1.49€ 1.49€
Tropico Trilogy Steam 78% £4.44 4.44€ 4.44€
Twin Sector Steam 78% £0.89 0.99€ 0.99€
Valhalla Hills – Two-Horned Helmet Edition Steam 87% £2.12 2.39€ 2.39€
Valhalla Hills Steam 87% £1.55 1.79€ 1.79€
Valhalla Hills – Sands of the Damned DLC Steam 51% £0.39 0.49€ 0.49€
Vanquish Steam 67% £4.89 5.75€ 5.75€
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Steam 77% £5.25 5.99€ 5.99€
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Collector’s Edition Steam 77% £7.77 8.88€ 8.88€
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Collector’s Edition Steam 31% £21.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Steam 37% £14.99 16.99€ 16.99€
World to the West Steam 68% £3.69 4.14€ 4.14€
XCOM 2 Collection Steam 59% £32.99 36.99€ 36.99€
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Steam 69% £14.99 17.49€ 17.49€
XCOM 2 Steam 69% £10.99 13.33€ 13.33€
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Steam 43% £19.99 22.99€ 22.99€
XCOM: Enemy Unknown – The Complete Edition Steam 82% £4.39 4.99€ 4.99€

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