
Summer Sale Gamesplanet – Day 2

15 Ago , 2017  

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Listone – Giorno 2 (validi fino alle 23.59 di martedì 15 Agosto)

Summer Sale Day 2 DRM % Off UK (£) FR (€) DE (€)
ABZU Steam 33% 12.99€ 12.99€ £9.99
Airline Tycoon 2 Gold Edition Steam 75% 4.44€ £3.75 4.44€
Airline Tycoon 2 Steam 75% 2.22€ £1.75 2.22€
Alien Spidy Steam 75% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Alien: Isolation – Season Pass Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Alien: Isolation – The Collection Steam 76% £8.49 9.99€ 9.99€
Alien: Isolation Steam 77% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Attractio Steam 90% £1.50 1.99€ 1.99€
Bang Bang Racing Steam 75% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Battle Worlds: Kronos Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Blackguards 2 Steam 81% £4.44 4.99€ 4.99€
Blackguards Franchise Bundle Steam 83% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Blackguards Steam 90% £2.99 3.49€ 3.49€
Blood Knights Steam 75% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Candle Steam 42% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Caravan Steam 67% £3.99 4.44€ 4.44€
Child Of Light Uplay 67% £3.99 4.44€ 4.44€
Citadels Steam 75% £2.75 3.49€ 3.49€
CivCity: Rome Steam 75% £1.50 2.49€ 2.49€
Civilization IV: Complete Edition Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Civilization V: Brave New World Steam 76% £4.79 6.66€ 6.66€
Civilization V: Gods and Kings Steam 76% £4.79 6.66€ 6.66€
Civilization V: The Complete Edition Steam 77% £7.99 8.99€ 8.99€
Civilization Beyond Earth Classics Bundle Steam 68% £15.99 17.99€ 17.99€
Civilization VI – Digital Deluxe Steam 39% £42.99 47.99€ 47.99€
Civilization VI Steam 37% £31.49 34.99€ 34.99€
Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide Steam 68% £7.99 8.99€ 8.99€
Civilization: Beyond Earth Steam 68% £9.49 11.49€ 11.49€
de Blob 2 Steam 28% £12.99 13.99€ 13.99€
de Blob Steam 28% £12.99 13.99€ 13.99€
Dead In Bermuda Steam 60% £4.40 5.55€ 5.55€
Deadfall Adventures – Deluxe Edition Steam 76% £4.79 5.55€ 5.55€
Deadfall Adventures Steam 75% £4.50 4.44€ 4.44€
Desperados – Wanted Dead Or Alive Steam 75% 1.25€ £1.12 1.25€
Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge Steam 75% £1.75 2.22€ 2.22€
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Steam 55% £8.99 9.99€ 9.99€
DMC – Devil May Cry Steam 77% £5.55 6.66€ 6.66€
DOOM 3: BFG Edition Steam 78% £3.33 4.44€ 2.49€
Doom Classic Complete Steam 75% £2.49 3.49€ 3.49€
DOOM Steam 55% £8.99 11.99€ 11.99€
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Steam 69% £7.49 8.49€ 8.49€
Enemy Front Steam 91% £2.79 2.79€ 2.79€
Fire Steam 44% £4.44 5.25€ 5.25€
Flashback Uplay 53% £3.79 4.44€ 4.44€
Grand Theft Auto III Trilogy Steam 72% £5.55 5.55€ 5.55€
Grand Theft Auto III Steam 67% £1.99 3.33€ 3.33€
Grand Theft Auto IV Steam 67% £6.66 6.66€ 6.66€
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition Steam 73% £7.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card Rockstarsocial 53% £22.99 31.99€ 31.99€
Grand Theft Auto V Rockstarsocial 45% £21.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City Steam 67% £4.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Steam 67% £3.33 3.33€ 3.33€
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Steam 67% £1.99 3.33€ 3.33€
GREED: Black Border Steam 80% £0.80 0.90€ 0.90€
Hearts of Iron III Collection Steam 76% 8.49€ £7.29 8.49€
Hearts of Iron III Steam 75% 2.49€ £2.00 2.49€
Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland Steam 50% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi Steam 50% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour Steam 50% 4.44€ £3.99 4.44€
Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet Edition Steam 57% £14.99 16.99€ 16.99€
Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel Edition Steam 54% £19.49 21.49€ 21.49€
Hearts of Iron IV: Field Marshal Edition Steam 29% £47.99 55.55€ 55.55€
Hearts of Iron IV: Together For Victory Steam 18% £8.99 10.99€ 10.99€
Hell Yeah! Collection Steam 75% £3.25 3.99€ 3.99€
Heroes of Might & Magic III – HD Edition Steam 68% £3.79 4.44€ 4.44€
Heroes of Might and Magic V Uplay 66% £2.72 3.33€ 1.99€
Heroes Of Might and Magic V: Gold Edition Uplay 69% £4.99 5.99€ 2.38€
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate Uplay 69% £2.49 3.33€ 1.70€
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East Uplay 69% £2.49 3.33€ 1.70€
Hue Steam 75% 3.49€ 3.49€ £2.99
Iron Front: Digital War Edition Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Journey of a Roach Steam 90% £1.20 1.49€ 1.49€
Jump Stars Steam 50% 4.44€ 4.44€ £3.99
Killer is Dead – Nightmare Edition Steam 86% £2.75 2.75€ 2.75€
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 – Here Be Dragons Steam 75% £0.99 1.25€ 1.25€
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Steam 75% £1.40 1.99€ 1.99€
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 – Deluxiest Edition Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Legend of Kay Anniversary Steam 78% £3.99 4.44€ 4.44€
Lines Steam 25% 3.74€ 3.74€ £2.99
Little Nightmares Steam 28% £11.49 12.99€ 12.99€
Little Nightmares: Complete Edition Steam 21% £18.99 21.99€ 21.99€
Mad Max Steam 76% £3.79 4.44€ 4.44€
Men of Valor Steam 78% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Might & Magic Heroes VI Complete Edition Uplay 69% £7.77 8.88€ 8.88€
Might & Magic Heroes VI Gold Edition Uplay 67% £5.29 5.99€ 5.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VII Deluxe Edition Uplay 70% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VII – Trial by Fire Uplay 58% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
Might and Magic X Legacy Deluxe Uplay 58% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
Might and Magic X Legacy Uplay 53% £9.49 10.99€ 10.99€
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Overlord 1 Complete Pack Steam 75% £2.49 2.99€ 2.99€
Overlord Complete Pack Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Overlord II Steam 75% £1.75 2.25€ 2.25€
Overlord Steam 75% £0.87 1.25€ 1.25€
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil Steam 75% £2.99 4.44€ 4.44€
Pumped BMX + Steam 80% 1.99€ 1.99€ £1.60
Quake II Steam 75% £0.99 1.25€ 1.25€
QUAKE III Arena + Team Arena Steam 77% £2.99 3.49€ 3.49€
Quake IV Steam 77% £2.99 3.49€ 3.49€
Quake Steam 75% £0.99 1.25€ 1.25€
RAW – Realms of Ancient War Steam 75% £3.25 3.75€ 3.75€
Rochard Steam 75% £1.99 2.25€ 2.25€
Rocksmith Steam 54% £11.49 12.99€ 12.99€
Sacred 2 Gold Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Sacred 3 – Malakhim DLC 1 Steam 50% £1.25 1.49€ 1.49€
Sacred 3 – Orc of Thrones DLC 4 Steam 50% £1.25 1.49€ 1.49€
Sacred 3 – Orcland Story DLC 5 Steam 50% 1.49€ 1.49€ £1.25
Sacred 3 – Underworld Story DLC 2 Steam 50% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Sacred 3 – Z4ngr13f Weapon Spirit DLC 3 Steam 49% £0.35 0.50€ 0.50€
Sacred 3 Gold Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Sacred 3 Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Sacred Citadel Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Sacred Franchise Pack Steam 77% £6.99 8.99€ 8.99€
Saints Row 2 Steam 75% £2.49 2.49€ 2.49€
Saints Row IV Game of the Century Edition Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Saints Row IV Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Upgrade Pack Steam 53% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Saints Row Metro Double Pack Steam 78% £8.99 10.99€ 10.99€
Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack Steam 55% £17.99 19.99€ 19.99€
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell – The Devil’s Workshop DLC Steam 50% 0.99€ 0.99€ £0.75
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Saints Row: The Third Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Shiness Steam 28% £17.99 19.99€ 19.99€
Sid Meier’s Starships & Civilization: Beyond Earth Bundle Steam 71% £9.99 12.99€ 12.99€
Sid Meier’s Starships Steam 50% £5.49 6.66€ 6.66€
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 – Season Pass Edition Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 Steam 80% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Steam 80% £1.20 1.60€ 1.60€
Space Hulk: Deathwing Steam 37% £18.99 22.99€ 22.99€
Space Run Galaxy Steam 57% £6.49 7.99€ 7.99€
Space Run Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Spec Ops: The Line Steam 78% £4.49 4.99€ 4.99€
SpellForce 2 – Anniversary Edition Steam 76% £3.33 3.49€ 3.49€
Spellforce 2: Demons Of The Past Steam 78% 4.44€ £3.99 4.44€
SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny – Deluxe Steam 78% £3.99 4.44€ 4.44€
SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny Steam 76% £3.33 3.49€ 3.49€
SpellForce Complete Pack Steam 82% £8.99 9.99€ 9.99€
Spellforce Platinum Steam 78% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Steam 63% 3.49€ 3.49€ £2.99
Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition Steam 72% £2.49 2.99€ 2.99€
SUPERHOT VR Steam 26% £13.99 15.99€ 15.99€
SUPERHOT Steam 44% £9.99 11.49€ 11.49€
Tales of Berseria Steam 43% £22.99 25.99€ 25.99€
Tales of Symphonia Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Tales of Zestiria Steam 76% £9.49 10.99€ 10.99€
The Dark Eye – Skilltree Saga Steam 80% £1.40 1.99€ 1.99€
The Descendant Steam 55% £4.99 5.55€ 5.55€
The First Templar – Steam Special Edition Steam 75% 2.22€ £1.75 2.22€
The Long Journey Home Steam 21% £26.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Townsmen Steam 56% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Tropico 3 – Steam Special Edition Steam 75% £1.99 2.22€ 2.22€
Tropico 3 Gold Edition Steam 76% £2.99 3.49€ 3.49€
Tropico 4: Collector’s Bundle Steam 76% £5.99 6.66€ 6.66€
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition Steam 76% £2.99 3.49€ 3.49€
Tropico 5 Steam 82% £3.49 3.99€ 3.99€
Tropico 5: Complete Collection Steam 81% £5.55 6.66€ 6.66€
Tropico Reloaded Steam 75% £1.49 1.75€ 1.75€
Tropico Trilogy Steam 80% £3.99 4.44€ 4.44€
Wargame Airland Battle Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Wargame European Escalation Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Wargame: Red Dragon – Nation Pack: Israel DLC Steam 33% 3.99€ 3.99€ £3.34
Wargame: Red Dragon Steam 62% £9.49 10.99€ 10.99€
Watch_Dogs – Season Pass Uplay 70% £4.79 5.55€ 5.55€
Watch_Dogs 2 – Deluxe Edition Uplay 51% £26.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Watch_Dogs 2 – Gold Edition Uplay 55% £35.99 39.99€ 39.99€
Watch_Dogs 2 – Season Pass Uplay 57% £14.99 16.99€ 16.99€
Watch_Dogs 2 Uplay 56% £19.99 23.99€ 23.99€
Watch_Dogs Complete Edition Uplay 74% £10.49 11.99€ 11.99€
Watch_Dogs Uplay 72% £6.99 7.77€ 7.77€
Wolfenstein: The New Order Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Steam 75% £3.75 4.44€ 4.44€
Worms Armageddon Steam 80% 2.99€ 2.99€ £2.19
Worms Blast Steam 75% 1.99€ 1.99€ £1.49
Worms Reloaded Steam 80% 3.79€ 3.79€ £2.99
Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition Steam 80% 4.44€ 4.44€ £3.80
Worms Revolution Gold Edition Steam 80% 4.44€ 4.44€ £3.80
Worms Revolution Steam 80% 2.99€ 2.99€ £2.20
Worms Ultimate Mayhem Steam 80% 2.49€ 2.49€ £2.20
Worms Steam 75% 1.49€ 1.49€ £1.25
Wurm Unlimited Steam 42% £12.99 14.99€ 14.99€
X Rebirth Collector’s Edition Upgrade Steam 35% £12.99 14.99€ 14.99€
X Rebirth Collector’s Edition Steam 70% £13.49 14.99€ 14.99€
X Rebirth Complete Steam 68% £12.99 14.99€ 14.99€
X Rebirth: Home of Light Steam 33% £5.35 6.66€ 6.66€
X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost Steam 33% £5.35 6.66€ 6.66€
X-Rebirth Steam 76% £5.99 6.99€ 6.99€
ZAMB! Biomutant Extermination Steam 75% £1.25 1.25€ 1.25€

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