
Saldi di primavera su Gamesplanet – Day 6

9 Apr , 2016  

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Scade Sabato 9 Aprile alle 23.59 
Vi ricordo che qui trovate la guida per avere un ulteriore 5% di sconto su Gamesplanet
P.S. fate attenzione alla valuta, sotto la colonna UK i prezzi sono ovviamente in sterline

Giorno 6 – Saldi Flash Tipo Saldo UK (£) FR (€) DE (€)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Steam 60% £19.99 23.99€ 23.99€
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Steam 80% £3.40 3.99€ 3.99€
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Steam 80% £3.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Tropico 5: Complete Collection Steam 58% £12.74 16.99€ 16.99€
Evolve Steam 80% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Evolve Digital Deluxe Steam 80% £6.79 7.99€ 7.99€
Evolve Monster Race Edition Steam 80% £9.79 11.99€ 11.99€
Evolve Hunting Season Pass Steam 55% £5.40 6.75€ 6.75€
Evolve Hunting Season Pass 2 Steam 55% £9.00 11.25€ 11.25€
Tales of Zestiria Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Tales of Symphonia Steam 50% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
NBA 2K16 Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
NBA 2K16 Michael Jordan Special Edition Steam 60% £23.99 27.99€ 27.99€
WWE 2K16 Steam 25% £26.24 37.49€ 37.49€
Duke Nukem Forever Steam 85% £2.24 2.99€ 2.99€
Batman Arkham Origins Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Batman Arkham City GOTY Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Batman Arkham Asylum: GOTY Edition Steam 75% £2.49 4.99€ 4.99€
Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition Steam 50% £17.49 20.99€ 20.99€
Pillars of Eternity Champion Edition Steam 50% £22.49 27.49€ 27.49€
Pillars of Eternity Royal Edition Steam 50% £33.99 41.49€ 41.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VII Uplay 55% £15.74 22.49€ 22.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VII Deluxe Edition Uplay 55% £17.99 26.99€ 26.99€
Heroes of Might & Magic III – HD Edition Steam 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Heroes of Might and Magic V Uplay 75% £1.75 2.49€ 1.49€
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate Uplay 75% £1.75 2.49€ 1.25€
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East Uplay 75% £1.75 2.49€ 1.25€
Heroes Pack Steam 75% £9.99 14.99€ 14.99€
Might & Magic Franchise Pack Uplay 75% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VI Complete Edition Uplay 75% £5.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VI Gold Edition Uplay 75% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness Uplay 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Might and Magic X Legacy Uplay 75% £4.99 6.25€ 6.25€
Might and Magic X Legacy Deluxe Uplay 75% £6.25 7.49€ 7.49€
Might & Magic: Clash Of Heroes Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Risen Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Risen 2: Dark Waters Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Risen 3 – Titan Lords Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
Risen 3 – Titan Lords Complete Edition Steam 75% £6.24 7.49€ 7.49€
Risen Franchise Pack Steam 80% £5.99 9.99€ 9.99€
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
StarDrive 2 Steam 75% £5.74 6.99€ 6.99€
StarDrive 2 – Digital Deluxe Steam 75% £6.74 7.99€ 7.99€
Psychonauts Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Stacking Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Paradox Grand Strategy Collection Steam 75% £18.99 23.25€ 23.25€
Paradox Platinum Pack Steam 75% £24.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Rayman Legends Uplay 75% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Rayman Origins Download 75% £2.49 2.49€ 2.49€
The Darkness II Steam 85% £2.99 4.49€ 4.49€
Spec Ops: The Line Steam 85% £2.99 2.99€ 2.99€
F.E.A.R. 3 Steam 75% £3.25 4.99€ 4.99€
F.E.A.R. Ultimate Shooter Edition Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
FEAR 2: Project Origins Steam 75% £2.49 3.75€ 3.75€
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Lego Batman – The Video Game Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Steam 75% £2.49 4.99€ 4.99€
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO MARVEL: Super Heroes Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO The Hobbit Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
LEGO: The Lord of the Rings Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Lord of the Rings – War in the North Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
The Lego Movie Videogame Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Dungeon Siege 3 Steam 80% £1.99 2.99€ 2.99€
Quantum Conundrum Steam 80% £1.40 1.80€ 1.80€
Quantum Conundrum: Season Pass Steam 80% £1.59 1.99€ 1.99€
Supreme Commander 2 Steam 80% £1.79 2.99€ 2.99€
Thief Steam 80% £3.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Thief Collection Steam 80% £6.59 8.99€ 8.99€
Thief: Master Thief Edition Steam 80% £4.60 6.60€ 6.60€
Tank Operations: European Campaign Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
The First Templar – Steam Special Edition Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Tropico 3 Gold Edition Steam 75% £3.12 3.75€ 3.75€
Tropico 4: Collector’s Bundle Steam 75% £6.25 7.49€ 7.49€
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition Steam 75% £3.12 3.75€ 3.75€
Tropico 5 Steam 61% £7.43 8.99€ 8.99€
Tropico 5 – Espionage Addon Steam 50% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Tropico 5 – Waterborne Expansion Steam 50% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Tropico Reloaded Steam 75% £1.49 1.75€ 1.75€
Tropico Trilogy Steam 75% £4.99 4.99€ 4.99€
SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny Steam 75% £3.49 3.75€ 3.75€
Spellforce 2: Demons Of The Past Steam 75% £4.49 4.99€ 4.99€
SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny – Deluxe Steam 75% £4.49 4.99€ 4.99€
SpellForce Complete Pack Steam 80% £6.99 11.99€ 11.99€
Spellforce Platinum Steam 75% £2.25 2.49€ 2.49€
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders Steam 33% £15.29 19.99€ 19.99€
Rugby 15 Steam 50% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
The Next Penelope Steam 50% £4.99 6.49€ 6.49€
Lumini Steam 40% £4.79 5.99€ 5.99€
Lumini Deluxe Edition Steam 40% £5.99 7.79€ 7.79€
TRI: Of Friendship and Madness Steam 66% £4.42 4.42€ 4.42€
Midnight Club II Steam 75% £1.49 2.49€ 2.49€
Mad Riders Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Rocksmith Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Tetris Ultimate Steam 50% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Toy Soldiers: War Chest Steam 50% £5.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Toy Soldiers: War Chest – Hall of Fame Edition Steam 50% £12.49 14.99€ 14.99€
Valiant Hearts: The Great War Uplay 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€

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