
Saldi di primavera su Gamesplanet – Day 4

7 Apr , 2016  

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Scade Giovedì 7 Aprile alle 23.59 
Vi ricordo che qui trovate la guida per avere un ulteriore 5% di sconto su Gamesplanet

Giorno 4 – Offerte Flash Tipo % UK (£) FR (€) DE (€)
Borderlands Steam 80% £1.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Borderlands 2 Steam 80% £3.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition Steam 80% £6.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Steam 80% £3.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Steam 70% £8.99 11.99€ 11.99€
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Season Pass Steam 55% £11.24 13.49€ 13.49€
Blood Bowl 2 Steam 56% £15.55 19.99€ 19.99€
F1 2015 Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Gold Edition Steam 52% £23.99 29.99€ 29.99€
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Steam 50% £19.99 24.99€ 24.99€
Lords of the Fallen Steam 50% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition Steam 50% £11.99 14.99€ 14.99€
Remember Me Steam 82% £4.10 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed 2: Collector’s Edition Uplay 75% £2.49 2.49€ 2.49€
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Uplay 75% £3.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Deluxe Uplay 75% £4.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Uplay 75% £3.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Assassin’s Creed III Uplay 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Uplay 75% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Deluxe Edition Uplay 75% £5.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Season Pass Uplay 75% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Uplay 55% £17.99 26.99€ 26.99€
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Gold Edition Uplay 55% £24.49 39.99€ 39.99€
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Season Pass Uplay 50% £9.99 14.99€ 14.99€
Assassin’s Creed: Director’s Cut Edition Uplay 75% £2.49 2.49€ 1.75€
Assassin’s Creed Unity Uplay 65% £10.49 13.99€ 13.99€
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Uplay 62% £9.59 11.49€ 11.49€
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Deluxe Edition Uplay 63% £11.24 14.99€ 14.99€
Assassin’s Creed Rogue – Templar Legacy Pack Uplay 60% £2.20 2.80€ 2.80€
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Uplay 75% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India Uplay 50% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China Uplay 50% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
The Settlers 7 – Deluxe Gold Edition Uplay 75% £6.25 4.99€ 4.99€
The Settlers 6 – Gold Edition Uplay 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Steam 25% £29.99 33.49€ 33.49€
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 – Full Burst Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 – Deluxe-Edition Steam 33% £36.99 46.99€ 46.99€
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution Steam 75% £9.99 12.49€ 12.49€
Tomb Raider Steam 80% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Tomb Raider – Game of the Year Edition Steam 80% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Tomb Raider Collection Steam 80% £11.99 15.99€ 15.99€
Tomb Raider DLC Collection Steam 80% £2.99 3.80€ 3.80€
Tomb Raider Underworld Steam 80% £1.40 1.80€ 1.80€
Tomb Raider: Survival Edition Steam 80% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Steam 80% £1.59 1.99€ 1.99€
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – Season Pass Included Steam 75% £4.99 7.25€ 7.25€
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Season Pass Steam 75% £1.74 2.49€ 2.49€
Sacred 3 Gold Steam 70% £4.49 5.99€ 5.99€
Sacred 3 Steam 70% £3.29 4.49€ 4.49€
Sacred 2 Gold Steam 75% £2.75 3.75€ 3.75€
Sacred Citadel Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Sacred Franchise Pack Steam 80% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Lost Planet 3 Steam 75% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Hospital Tycoon Steam 75% £0.87 1.12€ 1.12€
1954 Alcatraz Steam 90% £1.70 1.99€ 1.99€
Anna’s Quest Steam 60% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Blackguards Steam 90% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Blackguards 2 Steam 80% £4.80 5.99€ 5.99€
Blackguards Franchise Bundle Steam 80% £7.99 9.99€ 9.99€
Lost Horizon Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Lost Horizon 2 Steam 50% £14.99 19.99€ 19.99€
Lost Horizon Double Pack Steam 60% £13.99 17.99€ 17.99€
A Game of Thrones – Genesis Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Endless Space Emperor Special Edition Steam 80% £4.99 5.99€ 5.99€
Endless Space Gold Edition Steam 80% £5.79 6.99€ 6.99€
Hegemony Rome: Rise of Caesar Steam 75% £6.25 7.49€ 7.49€
Black Mirror Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Black Mirror 2 Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Black Mirror 3 Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Broken Age Steam 50% £9.49 11.49€ 11.49€
Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown – Runner’s Edition Steam 50% £8.99 9.99€ 9.99€
Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown Deluxe Steam 50% £14.99 19.99€ 19.99€
The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief Steam 75% £5.25 6.25€ 6.25€
The Raven – Legacy of a Master Thief DELUXE Steam 75% £6.25 7.49€ 7.49€
L.A. Noire Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
L.A. Noire: DLC Bundle Steam 75% £2.25 2.81€ 2.81€
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition Steam 80% £4.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Bloody Good Time Steam 75% £0.99 1.25€ 1.25€
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (Mac) Steam 75% £2.75 2.99€ 2.99€
theHunter: Primal Steam 50% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
Handball 16 Steam 50% £14.99 19.99€ 19.99€
Rugby World Cup 2015 Steam 67% £7.66 9.99€ 9.99€
STRIDER Steam 67% £3.99 4.99€ 4.99€
Ducktales Remastered Steam 66% £4.08 4.76€ 4.76€
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Steam 66% £4.08 4.76€ 4.76€
Rise of the Argonauts Steam 75% £1.25 2.25€ 2.25€
Bulb Boy Steam 40% £4.19 5.99€ 5.99€
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today Steam 66% £5.10 6.80€ 6.80€
Decay – The Mare Steam 90% £0.80 0.99€ 0.99€
The Last Tinker: City of Colors Steam 80% £3.40 3.99€ 3.99€
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Confrontation Steam 80% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Contrast Steam 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Final Exam Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
Pix the Cat Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
RAW – Realms of Ancient War Steam 75% £3.25 3.75€ 3.75€
The Inner World Steam 90% £1.20 1.40€ 1.40€
Armada 2526 Steam 80% £2.20 3.20€ 3.20€
Airline Tycoon 2 Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Airline Tycoon 2 Gold Edition Steam 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Alien Spidy Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Mechs and Mercs: Black Talons Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Omerta: City of Gangsters Steam 75% £3.75 4.75€ 4.75€
Sine Mora Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Skydrift Steam 75% £1.75 2.49€ 2.49€
One Upon Light Steam 42% £5.24 6.99€ 6.99€
Onikira – Demon Killer Steam 80% £1.80 2.80€ 2.80€
Full Spectrum Warrior Steam 75% £1.99 1.75€ 1.75€
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers Steam 75% £1.25 2.49€ 2.49€
Last Inua Steam 75% £1.49 1.75€ 1.75€
Cities in Motion Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
Cities in Motion Collection Steam 57% £19.34 21.49€ 21.49€
Cities in Motion II Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame Steam 80% £1.59 1.99€ 1.99€
King Arthur: Fallen Champions Steam 80% £0.79 0.99€ 0.99€
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Steam 60% £2.24 3.20€ 3.20€
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 – Deluxiest Edition Steam 60% £4.39 5.99€ 5.99€
Majesty 2 Steam 80% £1.59 1.99€ 1.99€
Majesty 2 Collection Steam 80% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Naval War: Arctic Circle Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
Ship Simulator Extremes Steam 75% £3.74 4.99€ 4.99€
Ship Simulator Extremes Collection Steam 75% £6.24 7.49€ 7.49€

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