
Saldi Natalizi per Gamesplanet

4 Dic , 2015  

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Saldi Natalizi

 Scade Domenica 6 Dicembre alle 23.59 

Ecco la lista dei saldi fino a Domenica, in linea di massima conviene quasi sempre in Euro, e a parità di offerta tra Germania e Francia, per evitare censure, meglio il sito francese (anche se i giochi censurati su quello tedesco sono pochissimi, tipo South Park e Wolfenstein).

Titolo Attivazione Sconto UK (£) Fra (€) Ger (€)
Evolve Steam 60% £9.99 11.99€ 11.99€
Evolve Digital Deluxe Steam 60% £13.59 15.99€ 15.99€
Grand Theft Auto V RSC 50% £19.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card RSC 53% £24.49 34.99€ 34.99€
Evolve Monster Race Edition Steam 60% £19.60 23.99€ 23.99€
Resident Evil 4: The Ultimate HD Edition Steam 60% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition Steam 25% £17.99 22.49€ 22.49€
Tropico 5 Steam 80% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Tropico 5 – Waterborne Expansion Steam 50% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Steam 40% £17.99 23.99€ 23.99€
Dungeons 2 Steam 70% £8.99 11.99€ 11.99€
Dungeons 2: A Chance Of Dragons DLC Steam 50% £1.25 1.49€ 1.49€
Dungeons 2: A Game of Winter DLC Steam 25% £7.49 11.24€ 11.24€
Dungeons 2: A Song of Sand and Fire DLC Steam 50% £1.25 1.49€ 1.49€
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Steam 40% £23.99 29.99€ 29.99€
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Gold Edition Steam 40% £29.80 36.99€ 36.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VII Uplay 40% £23.99 29.99€ 29.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VII Deluxe Edition Uplay 40% £29.99 35.99€ 35.99€
Cities: Skylines Steam 50% £11.49 13.99€ 13.99€
Cities: Skylines Deluxe Edition Steam 50% £14.99 18.49€ 18.49€
Euro Fishing Steam 40% £11.99 14.99€ 14.99€
Transformers: War for Cybertron Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Steam 75% £7.49 7.49€ 7.49€
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Steam 75% £7.49 12.49€ 12.49€
Ultra Street Fighter IV Steam 75% £5.74 6.99€ 6.99€
Ultra Street Fighter IV Upgrade – DLC Steam 50% £5.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Metro 2033 Redux Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Metro Redux Steam 75% £6.25 7.49€ 7.49€
Metro: Last Light Redux Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Saints Row IV Steam 73% £2.96 3.99€ 3.99€
Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack Steam 66% £13.60 16.99€ 16.99€
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Steam 50% £5.49 7.49€ 7.49€
Saints Row IV Game of the Century Edition Steam 70% £4.49 5.99€ 5.99€
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist Uplay 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist – Deluxe Edition Uplay 75% £4.99 7.49€ 7.49€
X-Rebirth Steam 50% £17.49 19.99€ 19.99€
Hitman Collection Steam 80% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Hitman Absolution Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Hitman: Absolution Elite Edition Steam 75% £4.99 6.25€ 6.25€
Hitman: Blood Money Steam 75% £1.75 2.25€ 2.25€
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Steam 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Download 75% £2.49 2.49€ 2.49€
Call of Juarez: The Cartel Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault Steam 75% £7.49 9.99€ 9.99€
Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces Steam 50% £4.99 6.49€ 6.49€
Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies Steam 75% £3.75 4.99€ 4.99€
Total War Grand Master Collection Steam 75% £29.99 34.99€ 34.99€
Company of Heroes 2 Steam 75% £7.49 8.75€ 8.75€
Total War Master Collection Steam 75% £24.99 27.49€ 27.49€
Valkyria Chronicles Steam 66% £5.10 6.80€ 6.80€
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Steam 75% £4.99 4.99€ 4.99€
1954 Alcatraz Steam 90% £1.70 1.99€ 1.99€
Blackguards Steam 80% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Blackguards 2 Steam 67% £7.99 9.99€ 9.99€
Blackguards Franchise Bundle Steam 75% £9.99 12.49€ 12.49€
Deponia: The Complete Journey Steam 85% £4.49 5.99€ 5.99€
Chaos on Deponia Steam 85% £2.40 2.99€ 2.99€
Deponia Steam 95% £0.80 0.99€ 0.99€
Goodbye Deponia Steam 85% £2.55 2.99€ 2.99€
Lost Horizon Steam 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Lost Horizon 2 Steam 30% £20.99 27.99€ 27.99€
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments Steam 70% £5.99 8.99€ 8.99€
Might & Magic Heroes VI Complete Edition Uplay 75% £5.99 7.49€ 7.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VI – DLC 2 Download 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VI: Pirates of the Savage Sea Download 75% £1.99 2.49€ 2.49€
Might & Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness Uplay 75% £2.99 3.75€ 3.75€
Wargame Red Dragon Steam 67% £9.99 13.60€ 13.60€
Dungeon Siege 3 Steam 75% £2.49 3.75€ 3.75€
Legacy of Kain Collection Steam 80% £2.99 3.99€ 3.99€
Dungeons Steam 80% £2.40 2.80€ 2.80€
Dungeons: The Dark Lord Steam 80% £2.99 3.80€ 3.80€
Hegemony Rome: Rise of Caesar Steam 85% £3.75 4.49€ 4.49€
Hegemony Rome: Advanced Tactics DLC Steam 50% £1.75 1.99€ 1.99€
Gothic 3 Steam 80% £1.99 1.99€ 1.99€
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar Mercenaries DLC Steam 50% £1.75 1.99€ 1.99€
Arcania – Fall of Setarrif Steam 80% £2.80 2.99€ 2.99€
Broken Age Steam 50% £9.49 11.49€ 11.49€
South Park: The Stick of Truth Steam 75% £5.99 7.49€ Cen.
ArcaniA – Gothic 4 Steam 80% £3.60 3.99€ 3.99€
Gothic Universe Edition Steam 80% £3.60 3.99€ 3.99€
Gothic 2 Gold Steam 80% £1.80 1.99€ 1.99€
Gothic 3 – Forsaken Gods Steam 80% £1.80 1.99€ 1.99€
Truck Mechanic Simulator 2015 Steam 60% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€
Farm Mechanic Simulator 2015 Steam 60% £5.99 7.99€ 7.99€

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